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2750 Eureka Way
Sunset, CA, 96001
United States

(530) 262-6700


Who We Serve

Who We Serve

Admission Criteria:

Patients will be admitted to Restpadd when they require behavioral or psychiatric care. Medical clearance is required for admission. This refers to the initial medical evaluation of patients usually in the ER to determine if they have serious underlying medical conditions which would render their admission to a psychiatric health facility unsafe or inappropriate. Patient must be ambulatory.

Restpadd does not accept walk-in patients.

Exclusionary Criteria:

  • Restpadd PHF does not admit or treat patients when the primary diagnosis is chemical dependency, chemical intoxication, or chemical withdrawal.

  • Restpadd PHF does not admit patients with a primary diagnosis of eating disorders.

  • Restpadd PHF will not admit any patient with major mental disorders or patients requiring medical interventions beyond the level appropriate for a PHF.

  • All patients admitted to Restpadd are seen by a physician or physician extender on a daily basis.

Health, Hope & Dignity

We admit appropriate adult patients to be served in our in-patient facility.

Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.